Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a multidisciplinary technology that has already been established as an inseparable component of our social, economic, commercial and all other sectors of life. The noble aim of the Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT) of KUET is to fulfill the national and international demand of ICT. One of the major objectives of the Institute is to promote and provide postgraduate degrees (Masters and Ph.D.) in ICT for graduates from relevant disciplines to meet the present as well as future demand of professionals and researchers through higher studies. This ordinance is the guidelines for postgraduate programs of IICT that includes: Admission Requirements and Procedures; Registration Procedures; Academic Regulations; Grading System; Conduct of Examination and other related matters.

Admission Requirements

The candidate must have a M.Sc. Eng. or its equivalent degree with good academic records in the relevant field/branch of Engineering or its equivalent from any recognized University/Institute.

Admission Procedures

  1. Admission Committee formed by ARC will arrange the admission process; ARC may also act as the Admission Committee. Applications for admission to M.Sc. Eng. and Ph.D. of IICT shall be invited through regular means of advertisement of the university.
  2. The Admission Committee will scrutinize the application and display a list of eligible candidates in the Institute’s Notice Board and/or Website. The eligible candidates may have to appear in tests conducted by the Admission Committee.
  3. Every selected candidate for M.Sc. Eng. shall have to get himself/herself admitted to the University within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees.
  4. A Ph.D. candidate selected by the Selection Committee shall be provisionally admitted to the University within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees and he/she may be required to pass the prerequisite credit and non-credit courses, if any, as prescribed by the DSC.
  5. A provisionally admitted Ph.D. candidate shall be deemed to be eligible for final admission as a Ph.D. student with effect from the date of his/her provisional admission if and when he/she qualifies the comprehensive examination as of Art 5.10.2(iii) of this ordinance.

Course Duration

The minimum duration to complete the requirements of Ph.D. degree shall be 4 (four) semesters from the date of his/her provisional admission and generally not be more than 7 (seven) academic years from the date of his/her provisional admission.

Requirements for the Degrees

The requirements for Ph.D. (ICT) degree are as follows:

  1. A student must have to obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.65 in his/her course works.
  2. A student must have to complete a minimum of 60 (sixty) credit hours of which 45 (forty five) credit hours shall be assigned to a thesis.
  3. He/she must have to pass the Comprehensive Examination that shall comprise a written examination and/or an oral examination to test the knowledge of the student in his/her field of study and research. Comprehensive Examination shall ordinarily be held after the completion of the course work by the student. The DSC shall conduct the Comprehensive Examination and shall fix date and time on the request of the supervisor.
  4. In addition to the successful completion of course work and Comprehensive Examination, every student shall have to submit a thesis on his/her research work fulfilling the requirements as detailed in Art. No. 8.

Research Proposal

After the successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination, a student shall submit a research proposal to the DSC through the supervisor(s). The DSC shall examine the proposal and recommend it for the approval of the CASR through the ARC. In special circumstances, the DSC may recommend any subsequent changes in the research topic and forward it to CASR for approval through the ARC.

Ph.D. Thesis

Each student has to submit 10 (ten) copies of synopsis at the end of the research work and has to appear in an Oral Examination arranged by the Chairman of DSC. After satisfactory completion of the Oral Examination the student shall submit at least 5 (five) printed copies of the thesis in the final form to the ARC through the supervisor in the approved format.
