General Guideline for Authors

ICICTD 2022 invites submissions of substantial, original, and previously unpublished research works on

Intelligent System – Natural language processing, Machine learning, Deep learning, Collective intelligence, Intelligent software, soft computing, Robotics, AI, Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering.

Smart Community – Big data, Data Science, Data Security, Robotics, Internet of things.

Digital Transformation for Welfare – ICT in healthcare, ICT for E-governance, ICT in E-commerce, and ICT in Industry and Smart City, Digital Bangladesh and 4IR.

Communication Technology – Cloud computing, Computational Intelligence, Computer network and algorithms, Evolutionary Computation, Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Network, Communication networks and systems.

The Conference is focused to discuss the state-of-the-art developments, research challenges and unsolved open problems in the field of Information Communication and Industrial Computing to beginners as well as to professionals. It will also provide a platform for students, scientists and faculty members to involve, interact, present and get reflections on their research. The official language of the Conference is English.

  • Papers should be in English.
  • Regular papers max. 12 pages in length.
  • Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review.
  • Papers must be formatted using the SPRINGER Author’s Kit. Detailed instructions and templates are available here.
  • All papers must be submitted online via Microsoft CMT submission portal.
  • All submissions will be thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts based on originality, significance and clarity.
  • Initial submissions must not contain authors name, affiliation or any kind of identification information
  • Presentation through Skype may be allowed subject to the prior intimation.

Plagiarism Policy

  • The paper prior to submission should be checked for plagiarism from licensed plagiarism software like Turnitin/iAuthenticate, etc. The similarity content should not exceed 20% and not more than 4% from any single source (in any case either self- contents or others). Further, you have to strictly implement the following ethical guidelines for publication:
  • Any form of self-plagiarism or plagiarism from others’ work(s) should not be there in an article.
  • If any model / concept / figure / table / data / conclusive comment by any previously published work is used in your article, you should properly cite a reference to the original work.
  • Also, language of explaining it should not be same as language of the work from which you have adopted it.
  • If you are using any copyrighted material, you should acquire prior permission from the copyright holder.

Initial Paper Submission (using Microsoft CMT)

Submission Closed